
Meet Flynn!!

The Newest Member of YTC 

Researchers and experts agree that pets excel as therapeutic agents and that dogs are an antidote to depression. Studies have shown a decrease in both blood pressure and stress levels with a therapy dog in the environment. Therapy dogs can break the daily routine, increase overall emotional well-being, and stimulate the mind in dramatic ways. After extensive training for several months,  Flynn was officially licensed and granted certification as a  therapy dog on March 10th, 2020.

   He offers so many wonderful benefits to people of all ages, such as:

  • Bringing joy and laughter, even if for a short time
  • Taking a patient’s mind off of personal problems, aches, pains and worries
  • Getting patients to share their emotions and stories
  • Giving a chance for patients to communicate with others
  • Lowering stress levels and blood pressure
  • Increasing happiness, calmness, and overall emotional well-being
Here at Yellowstone Therapy Center, we are so thrilled to have him as part of our program.  He has already done some amazing things with our patients and even our staff!